To consider a report from the Assistant Director of Waste and Environmental Services regarding an application for variation of conditions 3 (Layout), 5 (Hours of Working & Temporary Period), 11 & 12 (Noise, Dust & Odour), 16 (Storage), 18 (Types of Materials) & 25 (Plans) of planning permission 51471/008 at Unit 5 Waterbrook Estate, Waterbrook Road, Alton, GU34 2UD (No. 51471/009) EH156
Variation of conditions 3 (Layout), 5 (Hours
of Working & Temporary Period), 11 & 12 (Noise, Dust &
Odour), 16 (Storage), 18 (Types of Materials) & 25 (Plans) of
planning permission 51471/008 at Unit 5 Waterbrook Estate,
Waterbrook Road, Alton, GU34 2UD (No. 51471/009) EH156
The Committee considered a report from the Assistant Director of Waste &
Environmental Services (item 6 in the minute book) regarding an
application for variation of conditions at Unit 5 Waterbrook Estate
in Alton.
The report and application were summarised and it was highlighted
that an update report had been circulated confirming changes since
publication (see minute book). The Committee was shown aerial
photographs and a location plan was presented that showed the site
in relation to the highway network. Elevation plans depicted the
revised planting plans and new proposals to
provide a four metre high fence on the existing boundary retaining
wall to provide noise attenuation, dust containment and visual
As well as the update report, there were additional updates to
Conditions as follows:
The first paragraph of
Condition 11 should be amended as follows:
The site shall be run in accordance with the submitted and approved Dust and Noise Management Plan, updated 8 May 2024 or any subsequent updates of the Dust and Noise Management Plan submitted to and approved in writing by Minerals and Waste Planning Authority.
The second paragraph of Condition 14 should be amended as follows:
The approved fencing and netting design shall be
implemented within two months of the date of approval of the
details. If by this time the acoustic fence is not erected
within two months of the date of approval of the details or within
6 months of the date of the development hereby approved, whichever
is sooner, there shall be no operation of the trommel and picking
station without approval of the Minerals and Waste Planning
Condition 17 should be amended as follows:
Stockpiles of waste and recycled materials shall not exceed a maximum level of 5 metres in height above the level of the ground on which the stockpile is located for soil/hardcore processing and screened material and 4 metres in height above the level of the ground on which the stockpile is located for the product storage and materials storage including wood (as indicated on Site Plan 4998 SK/04 Rev G dated March 2010). Stockpile heights shall be measured from the existing ground levels adjacent to the stockpiles as shown on Topographical Survey (drawing 001 Rev 0) dated February 2024.
Condition 26 should be amended as follows:
The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: 001, 002, GF-LSC-01, 4998 SK/04 Rev G, GRFX.004 Rev C
The Committee received two deputations on this item. Councillor Suzie Burns spoke against the application on behalf of East Hants District Council and John Palmer spoke on behalf of the applicant in support.
During questions of the deputations, the following points were clarified:
A liaison panel had
not been organised recently but was welcomed by residents
· The applicant had been responsible for the site for three years
During questions of officers, the following was clarified:
A liaison panel had
previously existed but had since ceased. It was encouraged that
this be reconvened.
The trommel was not
operational at the Site Visit that had taken place by the Committee
as it was not required frequently.
Topography was
considered when the noise and impact on residents were
An advisory note
regarding the liaison panel would be included with any permission
granted and officers would work with local County Councillor Andrew
Joy in getting it set up.
· The site was in an industrial area alongside sites with no restrictions.
During debate, some Members felt
that the operator could do more to work to work with residents and
were unimpressed by the management of the site when on the site
visit. At the same time, it was acknowledged that Environmental
Health had no concerns regarding the site.
Officers reassured Members that the new conditions would mean there
were more enforcement powers
Planning permission was
GRANTED subject to:
a) The conditions listed in Appendix A
b) Updates to Conditions 5 and 19 in the Update Report; and
c) Updates to Conditions 11, 14, 17, and 26 as presented above
Favour: 14 (unanimous)
Supporting documents: