Issue - decisions

M27 Junction 10 Scheme Update

29/09/2020 - M27 Junction 10 Scheme Update

Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Economy, Transport and Environment regarding the M27 Junction 10 improvement scheme.


In introduction to the report, the Director confirmed that the proposed local development could not be realised without significant improvements to the motorway junction. The County Council’s position as scheme promoter and the funding of the scheme from the Solent LEP was clarified. It was noted that County Council resources for the design could not be committed beyond the funding that was available and there would be a need to review the position of scheme promotor at the end of phase three.


Councillor Woodward declared a personal interest as Leader of Fareham Borough Council. He noted that the report had been prepared prior to a funding offer from the Solent LEP. He emphasised the importance of the scheme and the risks of delay. He confirmed no work would be undertaken until necessary infrastructure was identified and funded and full funding for the scheme was in place. Following his statement, Councillor Woodward left the meeting.


Cabinet acknowledged the position set out in the report and were supportive of the scheme taking place, whilst recognising that full funding needed to be in place for it to go forward. It was noted that positive engagement was underway with the Solent LEP with regards their funding offer and that it was hoped that mutually acceptable terms for the funding could be reached shortly.


The recommendations set out in the report were considered and agreed. A

decision record is attached to these minutes.