Issue - decisions

Household Waste Recycling Centres Booking System

07/05/2021 - Household Waste Recycling Centres Booking System

1. That the Director of Economy, Transport and Environment notes the success of the booking system since its introduction in June 2020.
2. That the Director of Economy, Transport and Environment approves the retention of the booking system for up to a further 12 months to March 2022, subject to the progress of the Government’s roadmap out of COVID-19
3. That the Director of Economy, Transport and Environment authorises feasibility work into potential future system provision and integration with other waste IT systems, including internal and external system providers to evaluate potential delivery options beyond the current system extension, should a decision be made in the future to consider retaining a pre booking scheme, given that extending the current arrangements will not be possible.
4. That the Director of Economy, Transport and Environment approves the rollout of a staggered programme that incrementally increases capacity and eases existing restrictions at all sites in parallel with the Government’s planned exit from lockdown.