Issue - decisions

Hampshire Community Safety Strategy Group

07/12/2021 - Hampshire Community Safety Strategy Group

Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Adults’ Health and Care regarding the Hampshire Community Safety Strategy Group.


With the agreement of the Leader, Councillor Porter addressed Cabinet, thanking officers for their previous detailed presentation to the Policy and Resources Select Committee. The importance of informing communities about the impact of drug use both personally and in relation to county-lines activity was highlighted.


The report was introduced and it was noted that the Director of Adults’ Health and Care was chairman of the Group and its activity centred around the facilitation of effective partnership working to ensure priorities were being addressed. Attention was drawn to the revised priorities as set out in the report and these were welcomed by Cabinet. With reference to a recent increase in reporting of crimes against women it was highlighted that the Group had recognised violence against women as high priority and this would include working with partners, including schools on a number of areas.


The recommendations in the report were considered and agreed. A decision

record is attached to these minutes.