Cabinet considered the annual report of the Director of Public Health.
With the agreement of the Leader, Councillor Mummalaneni addressed Cabinet. He welcomed the report and noted the importance of mental and physical health provision. With reference to the deputation received earlier in the meeting, Councillor Mummalaneni confirmed that his Division included Winklebury and Manydown and gave a brief overview of the development planned in the area. He noted that the area was deprived relative to other parts of the County and the importance of adequate healthcare provision. He suggested that the Fort Hill school site would allow sufficient space for a suitable health centre and asked that the County Council work with Basingstoke and Dean in line with the Director of Public Health recommendations to ensure that provision would meet need.
The report of the Director of Public Health relating to the impact of Covid on mental health was introduced and the recommendations in it highlighted to Cabinet. Members welcomed the report and the Director’s recommendations, acknowledging the importance of the issue and of mental health support provision.
The recommendations in the report were considered and agreed. A decision
record is attached to these minutes.