Issue - decisions

Financial Update and Budget Setting and Provisional Cash Limit 2024/25

12/12/2023 - Financial Update and Budget Setting and Provisional Cash Limit 2024/25

Cabinet considered a report of the Chief Finance Officer and Director of Corporate Operations on the in-year financial position, including the Transformation to 2021 Programme and Savings Programme to 2023, and the framework for setting the 2024/25 budget and next steps for closing the 2025/26 budget deficit.  During the discussion, it was confirmed that there was confidence that the funding gap to 2025/26 would be closed and there was no immediate expectation of a Section 114 notice being required. The Chairman thanked offiers and Cabinet members for their work with directorates.  Cabinet acknowledged the significant challenge ahead.


The recommendations in the report were considered and agreed. A decision record is attached to these minutes.